Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Incense of the Dragon's Blood

Incense of the Dragon's Blood

This reddish-brown cone incense gives off a pungent, earthy smell and will burn for one hour. Made with actual dragon's blood (the type doesn't matter as long as it is from a true dragon), these cones increase an arcane spell-caster's power and raise the DC of all spells cast for one hour by 1 (for example, a spell with a DC of 14 goes to DC 15). The cone is consumed upon use, and the spell caster will not gain the benefit of another cone until a full 24 hours have passed.

Slight Evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, drop of true dragon's blood; Price 200/cone

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Plague Mask

Plague Mask

This bird-like mask is usually made of suede or very fine leather in various earth tones, as well as black and white, and has a pair of clear glass lenses for the wearer to look through. It is often made for, and worn by, physicians and those individuals that must spend time in plague and disease-ridden areas. When worn, the mask grants a +4 save versus disease and a +3 to Intimidation skill checks.

Faint Necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Cure Disease; Price 3,500 gp.