Monday, June 21, 2021

Gnomish Pipe


Gnomish Pipe

These pipes, made by gnomish tinkers, have gotten to be quite popular. Instead of tobacco or pipe weed, the user inhales a vapor made from different types of fruit or herbs. The user can easilly switch out the flavor simply by disassembeling the pipe, inserting a new vial filled with liquidized flavor vapor and reassembeling it. Pressing on a button in the bowl causes the liquid to become vapor once again, allowing the user to enjoy the flavor along with the joy of blowing out plumes of vapor.

The pipes themselves are often works of art, and will usually cost 100gp. The individual vials of liquid vapor can be made by any skilled alchemist (10+ ranks) and will cost 20gp each. The vials last for 5 + 1d4 sittings. The pipes can be made to be masterwork, and in this case the vials will last for 10 + 1d6 sittings. A sitting is equal to 10 rounds.

Magical versions of the pipes exist, and they will often be enchanted to give clarity of mind (+1 INT), understanding (+1 WIS) or have other magical effects such as creating the various Cloud spells. Vials will cost 1/5 the original cost of the pipe for a refill. All magic pipes will last for 10 + 1d6 sittings.


Pipe of the Mind

This gnomish pipe, when used, will temporarily grant the user a +1 bonus to his INT score for as long as he uses the pipe and for 30 minutes thereafter.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 1,000 gp

Pipe of Obfuscation

This pipe allows the user to create a Fog Cloud with each sitting. The cloud is treated as if cast by a 5th level caster.

Moderate conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 7,500 gp

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Amulet of Xarvox

 (Note: Format follows Tome Of Artifacts. Eldritch Relics And Wonders)

Focus or Theme: Abjuration
Origin: Hails from another dimension or world
Benefits: +3 Natural Armor
Spell-Like Abilities: Banishment 5/day, Detect Evil (Outsiders only) constantly.
Major Powers: Control Area (Evil Outsiders, 110') 5/day
Downsides: Evil creatures gain two negative levels while wielding the artifact


Hundreds of years ago, Xarvox was a wizard on a quest. For far too long, demons and devils had been plaguing his kingdom thanks to a lich that lived deep within a northern mountain range. Many adventurers had lost their lives trying to stop the lich, and Xarvox was running out of options.

Growing more and more desperate (his favorite wench had been killed by an imp), Xarvox started looking into strange and forbidden lore. One ancient tome that he discovered by accident suggested a solution to the problem lay in a bargain with an outsider, but one of the upper planes rather than the lower.

Going through the required ritual, Xarvox somehow managed to summon a lacertal, a lizard-guardinal. After explaining what the problem was, the lacertal agreed to help. Summoning powerful magics, the celestial turned himself into a rune-covered amulet with a single small lizard-like eye in the middle of a six-pointed star.

Using the amulet, Xarvox and a brave group of adventurers defeated the lich and ended the evil that had blighted the kingdom for so long. Many decades later Xarvox died and the amulet was buried with him. However, the amulet decided that its job was not yet complete, and entered the world in a mute quest to destroy evil outsiders wherever they could be found.


Since Xarvox died several hundred years ago, knowledge of his amulet has become exceedingly rare and hard to find.

DC   Knowledge Available
15    The amulet came into being during problems involving a lich.
20    The lich had been summoning outsiders, and the amulet is effective against them.
25    The amulet can banish outsiders and protects the user.
30+  The character learns all of the amulet's powers and complete history.


The amulet is of a dark gray metal. Around the edge are various indecipherable runes. Further in are runes that name twelve different guardinals. Above all of this is a interwoven six-pointed star and circle. In the very middle lies a small, green lizard's eye. The eye has been seen to occasionally look around, but when it does so can not be predicted in any way. The amulet is non-communicative, despite having once been a celestial.

Strong Abjuration magic can be detected with the Amulet of Xarvox, but surprisingly no good radiates from it. This is thought to be because lacertals are Neutral in alignment, but this is up for conjecture. Whenever the bearer of the amulet is near lizards of any natural kind (not including dragons, drakes, etc), they will be very calm and curious, only attacking if attacked.


When worn, the wearer will slowly (over a period of 2d4 weeks) learn the powers of the amulet. If the user is herpetophobic at all then he will be cured of this phobia once the time has passed.


When worn on a chain around the neck, the wearer (and only the wearer) will hear a series of hisses and clicks, alerting him to the presence of an evil outsider of any sort. The eye will shift about, looking for its foes and will glow slightly when they are found.


The amulet grants the wearer a +3 Natural Armor bonus to his AC, and can detect evil outsiders that come within 110' of him.


Five times per day the wearer may cast Banishment and Control Area (evil outsiders).


Any evil creature that wears the amulet will gain two negative levels for the entire time it is worn.


This amulet is a good way for the DM to assist the players without giving them a campaign-ending magic item. 


Beware, fiends! Please?
When a good natured but bumbling paladin comes into possession of the amulet, it gives him a false sense of bravado. When it's lost, he hires the adventurers to try and retrieve it for him.


The amulet can be destroyed if it is worn by a Balor at the time of the demon's explosive death.