Monday, June 21, 2021

Gnomish Pipe


Gnomish Pipe

These pipes, made by gnomish tinkers, have gotten to be quite popular. Instead of tobacco or pipe weed, the user inhales a vapor made from different types of fruit or herbs. The user can easilly switch out the flavor simply by disassembeling the pipe, inserting a new vial filled with liquidized flavor vapor and reassembeling it. Pressing on a button in the bowl causes the liquid to become vapor once again, allowing the user to enjoy the flavor along with the joy of blowing out plumes of vapor.

The pipes themselves are often works of art, and will usually cost 100gp. The individual vials of liquid vapor can be made by any skilled alchemist (10+ ranks) and will cost 20gp each. The vials last for 5 + 1d4 sittings. The pipes can be made to be masterwork, and in this case the vials will last for 10 + 1d6 sittings. A sitting is equal to 10 rounds.

Magical versions of the pipes exist, and they will often be enchanted to give clarity of mind (+1 INT), understanding (+1 WIS) or have other magical effects such as creating the various Cloud spells. Vials will cost 1/5 the original cost of the pipe for a refill. All magic pipes will last for 10 + 1d6 sittings.


Pipe of the Mind

This gnomish pipe, when used, will temporarily grant the user a +1 bonus to his INT score for as long as he uses the pipe and for 30 minutes thereafter.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 1,000 gp

Pipe of Obfuscation

This pipe allows the user to create a Fog Cloud with each sitting. The cloud is treated as if cast by a 5th level caster.

Moderate conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 7,500 gp