Monday, January 30, 2023

Ring of Performance

Ring of Performance

This beautifully crafted and intricate ring, when worn, grants a +5 bonus to all Performance skill checks.

Simple enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 2,500 gp

Common Barbarian Weapons

Axe, Bearded

The Bearded Axe is traditionally forged using a coal forge, hammer, and anvil. The axe is forged of mild steel with a carbon steel edge forgewelded in, true to ancient tradition. This is an extremely complex and time-consuming process which can take up to one hundred heats and several thousand hammer blows.

Even though high-quality steel can be found in the hands of many clans, it is still quite rare, extremely expensive and produced in small quantities. It was for this reason that carbon steel is only used in the cutting edge, allowing for more axes to be forged with the coveted steel.

To show that contrast between the mild steel and carbon steel, the Bearded Axe’s edge is etched. This etching is a stamp of quality, revealing that the axe is laminated and correctly forged according to ancient tradition. The oxide that forms during etching gradually fades with use.

The Bearded Axe features a hickory handle treated with linseed oil stain to develop a fine patina and comes with an extra-thick, custom-made sheath sewn of vegetable tanned leather.

Axe, Bearded: Cost 30, Dmg (M) 1d10, Critical 19-20 x3, Weight 7, Type Slashing



Also called a scramaseax, the seax is an incredibly efficient weapon as well as a tool for common usage. The blade of the knife terminates in an iron tang by which the grip was attached. The grip is made of perishable material such as wood, horn or bone, and is designed to be replaced if damaged. The majority of these knives have quite short tangs, between 2" and 3.5" long, although occasionally made much longer, suggesting the weapon is suitable to be gripped in two hands. The tang is usually a plain iron bar tapering towards the end. The grip is bored out to hold the tang which is held in place by friction, often aided by softwood wedges or glue. Occasionally the knives have metal hilt fittings, either a pommel or both a lower-guard and pommel, and are usually 24" to 28" in length (effectively a short sword, but still considered a knife).

Seax: Cost 10, Dmg (M) 1d6, Critical 19-20 x2, Weight 2, Type Slashing

Monday, January 23, 2023

Quiver of Plenty

Quiver of Plenty

When an arrow is put into this magical quiver, it is magically copied to produce an infinite supply. By speaking a chosen command word, the wearer of the quiver can dismiss the enchantment and recover the original arrow.

The most basic quiver of plenty only duplicates non-magical arrows; for an additional cost, the quiver can duplicate enhancement bonuses placed upon the arrow in the quiver, but only up to a number of bonuses equal to the affixed value for that particular quiver. Some enhancements cannot be totally duplicated; for example, a copied spell storing arrow will not copy the stored spell possessed by the original. A magical arrow created by the quiver becomes non-magical 1 minute after leaving the quiver.

Prereqs: Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon, minor creation, caster level must be at least three times that of the quiver's maximum bonus.

Value: 1,500 gp (non-magical), 3,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 20,000 gp (+3), 46,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5). Wt: 4 lbs (full)

(original post is here)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Bracers of the Grove

Bracers of the Grove

These magical bracers are made from living ivy. Usable only by druids, once per day the wearer can cast Command Plants and Speak with Plants.

Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 1,000 gp

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Lute of the Spirits

Lute of the Spirits

Appearing to be a fairly ordinary lute, this much sought after instrument is a huge boon to bards all across the lands, and grants +3 to Perform/String Instruments, and the user can cast Ghost Sound 5 times/day to produce ghostly accompaniment (drum, flute and/or chanting)

Moderate conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 1,800 gp

Friday, January 13, 2023

Ring of Diplomacy

Ring of Diplomacy

This ornate ring, when worn, grans a +5 bonus to the Diplomacy skill.

Simple enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 2,500 gp

Ring of the Snake

Ring of the Snake

This simple gold ring appears to look like an artistic representation of a snake. When worn by a druid, it causes all damage spells cast to do one additional point of damage for every die rolled (for example, 6d6 becomes 6d6+6).

Simple transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 1,500 gp