Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Dagger of Tarketh One-Eye

The Dagger of Tarketh One-Eye
+3 Long Dagger, 1d4+3 damage, Crit 18-20/x2, 18305gp

This ornate +3 long dagger contains the soul of Tarketh One-Eye, the pirate captain of the ship "Wayfarer's Daughter." Caught in flagrante delicto with the daughter of Governor Maximilien D’Aramitz, Tarketh was sentenced to death for piracy on the high seas. Now, the idea of dying didn't sit very well with Tarketh, so he made a deal with a powerful wizard - save his soul and he would reveal the location where his vast cache of treasure was hidden. Well, the wizard did exactly what Tarketh wanted to the letter, transferring his soul into Tarketh's dagger at the moment of his death. This also didn't sit very well with Tarketh, as he meant for the wizard to actually keep him alive. However, a deal was a deal and the wizard retired as a very rich man. The dagger ended up being stolen and has passed from owner to owner over the years (partly due to happenstance, but also due to their inability to tolerate the old sea-dog).

Thanks to the soul of Tarketh being within the dagger, it is an intelligent weapon (Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10, Ego 7, Chaotic Neutral alignment). Tarketh communicates with it's owner via telepathy, allows the user to detect magic at will, and itself possesses 10 ranks in Spot. Tarketh is exceptionally sarcastic, vulgar, prurient, crass and loves to tell it's owner obscene jokes. While it may communicate via telepathy, it considers it incredibly rude for it's owner to not speak aloud to it, and will go into a sulk and not allow it's powers to be used for a week if it isn't spoken to directly.

Currently owned by the wizard Kelwyn, Tarketh has found a kindred spirit in many ways. Kelwyn has been seen talking to his dagger at times, telling it awful jokes and laughing when told one. While Tarketh may be sarcastic, Kelwyn is quite sarcastic as well and refers to Tarketh as his "brother by other parents, and also a dead guy in a dagger."

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