Friday, March 3, 2023

Trivial Magic Items

The following magic items are easily made, non-powerful magic items that the PCs may find interesting uses for. The general cost for most of these trivial magic items is 563gp, which places it out of reach of the common peasant but well within reach of a typical adventurer. The DM is welcome to adjust the price for their campaign circumstances.

Everchill Mug

Three times per day the user of this solidly built pint mug can say a command word, and whatever liquid that is within the mug is instantly chilled to a refreshingly cool temperature.

Faint universal magical aura; CL 1st; Craft Wonderous Item, Prestidigitation; Price 563gp

Spoon of Poison Detection

When used to stir any liquid, the quartz crystal on this magical spoon will turn a bright, glowing green for one minute if the liquid has even a single drop of poison in it. The spoon may be used to detect poison three times per day in this fashion.

Faint Divination; CL 1st; Craft Wonderous Item, Detect Poison; Price 563gp

Needle of Mending

When touched to an item in need of minor repairs, the Needle of Mending allows the user to cast the Mending cantrip up to three times per day.

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wonderous Item, Mending; Price 563gp

Pot of Cooking

When commanded up to three times per day, this two pound iron pot will cook up to one pound of food which will be ready in three minutes.

Faint Evocation [Fire]; CL 1st; Craft Wonderous Item, Cook; Price 563gp

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