Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Staff of the Serpent

Staff of the Serpent
The Staff of the Serpent is a normal short staff that becomes a Large Viper up to 5 times/day. If “killed,” (13 hp) it returns to staff form and can not be used again for 48 hours.
Snake, Large Viper
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural),, touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +5, Spot +6, Swim +8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Challenge Rating: 2
Skills: Snakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A snake can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Snakes use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. A snake has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Vipers rely on their venomous bite to kill prey and defend themselves.
Poison (Ex): A viper snake has a poisonous bite that deals initial and secondary damage of 1d6 Con. The save DC of 11 is Constitution-based.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 16,875 gp; Weight 1 lb. 

Luck’s Folly

Luck’s Folly
This silvery ring is inscribed with the eight-pointed symbol of chaos. When worn it conveys a simple +1 Luck bonus to AC. When worn by someone with a Chaotic Alignment (CG, CN, CE) then additional powers are awakened. The ring may be used a number of times per day equal to the user’s CHA bonus, and when used the DM will roll for the effect on the following chart:
  1. AC bonus goes from +1 to +3
  2. User gets +3 on all Saving Throws
  3. User gets +3 To Hit and Damage
  4. User gets +3 to his strongest Skill
  5. User gets +3 to a random ability score 
  6. AC bonus becomes -3 (ignoring the basic +1 bonus)
  7. User gets -3 on all Saving Throws
  8. User gets -3 To Hit and Damage
  9. User gets -3 to his strongest Skill
  10. User gets -3 to a random ability score
These effects will last for one hour or until the ring is used again. The wearer has absolutely no control over how luck plays with him.
Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 20,000 gp; Weight – lb.

Chest of Obfuscation

Chest of Obfuscation
This is a large oak and elm chest, bound in iron. It is 30″ high, 60″ wide and 20″ deep, holding a volume of just under 21 cubic feet. When a command word is spoken by the owner, the chest disappears and transports to a pocket ethereal plane. When the command is given again, no matter where the owner is, the chest reappears within 2′ of him. This is an exceedingly useful magic item for adventurers, since it can hold gear or treasures. They are incredibly rare, however, and there are only five known to exist (while rare, they aren’t powerful enough to be considered artifacts or relics). If someone is closed within the chest when it goes to the pocket ethereal, there is only enough air within the chest to last a normal human male for 70 minutes or so. The command word, when spoken backward, locks the chest  that can only be opened with the word again, a knock spell or dispel magic cast at Lv 10+.

Acorn of the Typhlotic Dead

Acorn of the Typhlotic Dead
This magical acorn grants a continuous “Hide from Undead” spell for the user while it is held. While a simply created item, these acorns are often in high demand. They are most commonly made by Wood Witches.

Minor Abjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item; Price: 2000 gp; Weight –

Robe of Random Items

Robe of Random Items
A Robe of Random Items has 20 pockets, and random items can be pulled forth. 20% of the time the item is useful to the wearer in his current situation. The DM is encouraged to come up with a system for determining the item called forth, which is treated as a normal, mundane object of it’s type. Randomly flipping through a dictionary and pointing at an entry works wonderfully; simply pick the first thing that comes to mind for the entry. Examples - Chicken: an egg. Gobi Desert: sand. Oak tree: an acorn. Items may be pulled out as desired, but each pocket will remain empty until the next full moon at which time the pocket will refill. Objects will never be larger than a human fist and are never magical or alive.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Nipping Purse

Nipping Purse
This small worn leather purse has a tarnished clasp and looks like it can hold about 20 coins. The purse can actually hold up to 500 coins and will never weigh more than ¼ lb. It has a further enchantment upon it that benefits it’s owner against pickpockets: If the purse is taken away from it’s owner without consent, the purse will open, revealing a full mouth of teeth. It will begin screaming “Thief!” in the language of it’s owner over and over again until it is returned. In addition, the teeth will attempt to bite once a round whomever is holding the purse (Ref 15) for 1d4 points of damage. If attacked, it has a Hardness of 2 and 5 HP.

Minor Illusion; Caster Level 4th; Magic Mouth; Cost: 2500gp; Wt .25 lb

Item Familiar: The Verdant Touch

Item Familiar: The Verdant Touch
This unusual Druid’s staff appears to be a slightly bent, 3″ thick ivy vine approximately 4′ in length. Leaves grow along its length, and in fact the staff is quite alive. Where the staff comes from is unknown, but they are thought to be gifts from the Gods and Goddesses of the woodlands.
Without the Item Familiar feat, The Verdant Touch will always act as a +1 Staff with no special properties. For those with the feat, however, its real powers become known as the owner increases in level. All powers beyond Detect Magic may be used once per day per bonus point of CHA plus the user’s Druid Level (i.e. 2 points and Lv 5 means 7 uses per power).
Level 1: +1 Staff, Detect Magic at will
Level 4: +1 Staff, Entangle or Goodberry
Level 7: +2 Staff, Barkskin or Tree Shape
Level 10: +2 Staff, Plant Growth or Speak with Plants
Level 13: +3 Staff, Antiplant Shell or Command Plants
Level 16: +3 Staff, Commune With Nature or Tree Stride
Level 19: +4 Staff, Liveoak or Transport Via Plants
Note: With Goodberry the berries will actually grow from the staff, and with Liveoak the staff will actually become the Treant. If the Treant is killed, the staff reverts to normal and can not be used for 24 hours.

3.5 D&D Equipment Kits

3.5 D&D Equipment Kits
 Here are some kits for characters of all levels, using collections of stuff from the Equipment chapter of the Player’s Handbook. Magical equipment hasn’t been included here. Each item in a kit has its total weight and cost, so that you can quickly add or remove more items and keep track of what needs to be replaced.

Deluxe Essentials Kit

  • backpack 2gp, 2 lbs
  • bedroll 1sp, 5 lbs
  • 1-pint flask 3cp, 1.5 lbs
  • 7 days’ trail rations 3.5gp, 7 lbs
  • healer’s kit 50gp, 1 lb
Total Cost: 55.63gp, Weight: 16.5 lbs

Full Essentials Kit

  • backpack 2gp, 2 lbs
  • bedroll 1sp, 5 lbs
  • 1-pint flask 3cp, 1.5 lbs
  • 7 days’ trail rations 3.5gp, 7 lbs
Total Cost: 5.63gp, Weight: 15.5 lbs

Basic Essentials Kit

  • backpack 2gp, 2 lbs
  • bedroll 1sp, 5 lbs
  • 1-pint flask 3cp, 1.5 lbs
  • 3 days’ trail rations 1.5gp, 3 lbs
Total Cost: 3.63gp, Weight: 11.5 lbs

Deluxe Wilderness Kit

  • hunting knife 2gp, 1 lb
  • whetstone 2cp, 1 lb
  • bucket 5sp, 2 lbs
  • shovel 2gp, 8 lb
  • hammer 5sp, 2 lbs
  • 36 square yards canvas 2sp, 2 lbs
  • fishing line and hook 1sp
  • flint and steel 1gp
  • iron pot 5sp, 10 lbs
  • signal whistle 8sp
  • tent 10gp, 20 lbs
  • waterskin 1gp, 4 lbs
  • 2 vials antitoxin 100gp
  • climber’s kit 80gp, 5 lbs
Total Cost: 198.62gp, Weight: 55 lbs

Full Wilderness Kit

  • hunting knife 2gp, 1 lb
  • whetstone 2cp, 1 lb
  • shovel 2gp, 8 lb
  • hammer 5sp, 2 lbs
  • 36 square yards canvas 2sp, 2 lbs
  • fishing line and hook 1sp
  • flint and steel 1gp
  • iron pot 5sp, 10 lbs
  • tent 10gp, 20 lbs
  • waterskin 1gp, 4 lbs
Total Cost: 17.32gp, Weight: 48 lbs

Basic Wilderness Kit

  • hunting knife 2gp, 1 lb
  • fishing line and hook 1sp
  • flint and steel 1gp
  • tent 10gp, 20 lbs
  • waterskin 1gp, 4 lbs
Total Cost: 14.10gp, Weight: 25 lbs

Deluxe Dungeoneering Kit

  • everburning torch 110gp, 1 lb
  • crowbar 2gp, 5 lbs
  • 5 pitons 5sp, 2.5 lbs
  • grappling hook 1gp, 4 lbs
  • 50-foot silk rope 10gp, 5 lbs
  • 3x chalk 3cp
  • 10-foot pole 2sp, 8 lbs
  • caltrops 1gp, 2 lbs
  • acid 10gp, 1 lb
  • alchemist’s fire 20gp, 1 lb
Total Cost: 154.73gp, Weight: 29.5 lb

Full Dungeoneering Kit

  • hooded lantern 7gp, 2 lb
  • 4 pints of oil 4sp, 4 lbs
  • crowbar 2gp, 5 lbs
  • 5 pitons 5sp, 2.5 lbs
  • grappling hook 1gp, 4 lbs
  • 50-foot hemp rope 1gp, 10 lbs
  • 3x chalk 3cp
  • 10-foot pole 2sp, 8 lbs
  • caltrops 1gp, 2 lbs
Total Cost: 13.13gp, Weight: 37.5 lb

Basic Dungeoneering Kit

  • 10 torches 1sp, 10 lbs
  • 5 pitons 5sp, 2.5 lbs
  • 50-foot hemp rope 1gp, 10 lbs
  • 3x chalk 3cp
  • 10-foot pole 2sp, 8 lbs
Total Cost: 1.83gp, Weight: 30.5 lb

Deluxe Scholar’s Kit

  • 5x candles 5cp
  • 5x tindertwigs 5gp
  • black, red, and blue ink 40gp
  • quill pen 1sp
  • 100 sheets of parchment 20gp
  • sealing wax 1gp, 1 lb
  • signet ring 5gp
  • soap 5sp, 1 lb
  • steel mirror 10gp, .5 lbs
  • magnifying glass 100gp
  • bell 1gp
  • hourglass 25gp, 1 lb
  • merchant’s scale 2gp, 1 lb
  • 2 flasks holy water 50gp, 2 lbs
  • sunrod 2gp, 1 lb
  • wooden holy symbol 1gp
Total Cost: 262.65gp, Weight: 7.5 lb

Full Scholar’s Kit

  • 5x candles 5cp
  • 5x tindertwigs 5gp
  • ink 8gp
  • pen 1sp
  • 50 sheets of parchment 10gp
  • sealing wax 1gp, 1 lb
  • signet ring 5gp
  • soap 5sp, 1 lb
  • steel mirror 10gp, .5 lbs
  • bell 1gp
  • 1 flask holy water 25gp, 1 lbs
  • sunrod 2gp, 1 lb
  • wooden holy symbol 1gp
Total Cost: 68.65gp, Weight: 5.5 lb

Basic Scholar’s Kit

  • 3x candles 3cp
  • 1x tindertwig 1gp
  • ink 8gp
  • pen 1sp
  • 10 sheets of parchment 1gp
  • soap 5sp ,1 lb
  • steel mirror 10gp, .5 lbs
  • sunrod 2gp, 1 lb
  • wooden holy symbol 1gp
Total Cost: 23.63gp, Weight: 3.5 lb

Deluxe Mount Kit

  • light warhorse 150gp
  • chain shirt barding 400gp, 50 lbs
  • bit and bridle 2gp, 1 lb
  • military saddle 20gp, 30 lbs
  • saddlebags 4gp, 8 lbs
  • 7 days’ feed 3.5sp, 70 lbs
Total Cost: 576.35gp, Mount’s Load: 159 lbs

Full Mount Kit

  • light warhorse 150gp
  • leather barding 20gp, 30 lbs
  • bit and bridle 2gp, 1 lb
  • military saddle 20gp, 30 lbs
  • saddlebags 4gp, 8 lbs
  • 7 days’ feed 3.5sp, 70 lbs
Total Cost: 196.35gp, Mount’s Load: 139 lbs

Basic Mount Kit

  • light horse 75gp
  • bit and bridle 2gp, 1 lb
  • riding saddle 10gp, 25 lbs
  • saddlebags 4gp, 8 lbs
  • 7 days’ feed 3.5sp, 70 lbs
Total Cost: 91.35gp, Mount’s Load: 104 lbs