Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Pouch of Holding

Pouch of Holding
These brown leathery pouches ride easily on any belt and close with a firm clasp. Provided that an item can fit into the pouch (the opening is slightly larger than a large human fist) and is not sharp (which will destroy the magic of the pouch), the pouch will hold various amounts of weight, depending on the type.

Pouch of Holding Type I: This bag weighs just 5 lbs and can carry up to 100 lbs. of gear.
Cost: 1500gp
Weight: 5 lbs

Pouch of Holding Type II: This bag weighs just 8 lbs and can carry up to 200 lbs. of gear.
Cost: 3000gp
Weight: 8 lbs

Pouch of Holding Type III: This bag weighs just 11 lbs and can carry up to 400 lbs. of gear.
Cost: 4440gp
Weight: 11 lbs

Pouch of Holding Type IV: This bag weighs just 18 lbs and can carry up to 600 lbs. of gear.
Cost: 6000gp
Weight: 18 lbs

Minor Conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item

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