Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Luck’s Folly

Luck’s Folly
This silvery ring is inscribed with the eight-pointed symbol of chaos. When worn it conveys a simple +1 Luck bonus to AC. When worn by someone with a Chaotic Alignment (CG, CN, CE) then additional powers are awakened. The ring may be used a number of times per day equal to the user’s CHA bonus, and when used the DM will roll for the effect on the following chart:
  1. AC bonus goes from +1 to +3
  2. User gets +3 on all Saving Throws
  3. User gets +3 To Hit and Damage
  4. User gets +3 to his strongest Skill
  5. User gets +3 to a random ability score 
  6. AC bonus becomes -3 (ignoring the basic +1 bonus)
  7. User gets -3 on all Saving Throws
  8. User gets -3 To Hit and Damage
  9. User gets -3 to his strongest Skill
  10. User gets -3 to a random ability score
These effects will last for one hour or until the ring is used again. The wearer has absolutely no control over how luck plays with him.
Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 20,000 gp; Weight – lb.

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