Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Item Familiar: The Verdant Touch

Item Familiar: The Verdant Touch
This unusual Druid’s staff appears to be a slightly bent, 3″ thick ivy vine approximately 4′ in length. Leaves grow along its length, and in fact the staff is quite alive. Where the staff comes from is unknown, but they are thought to be gifts from the Gods and Goddesses of the woodlands.
Without the Item Familiar feat, The Verdant Touch will always act as a +1 Staff with no special properties. For those with the feat, however, its real powers become known as the owner increases in level. All powers beyond Detect Magic may be used once per day per bonus point of CHA plus the user’s Druid Level (i.e. 2 points and Lv 5 means 7 uses per power).
Level 1: +1 Staff, Detect Magic at will
Level 4: +1 Staff, Entangle or Goodberry
Level 7: +2 Staff, Barkskin or Tree Shape
Level 10: +2 Staff, Plant Growth or Speak with Plants
Level 13: +3 Staff, Antiplant Shell or Command Plants
Level 16: +3 Staff, Commune With Nature or Tree Stride
Level 19: +4 Staff, Liveoak or Transport Via Plants
Note: With Goodberry the berries will actually grow from the staff, and with Liveoak the staff will actually become the Treant. If the Treant is killed, the staff reverts to normal and can not be used for 24 hours.

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