Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Blood Plate

Blood Plate
This deep red +3 Breastplate feels like steel, but it seems to flow and shift like a thick liquid just under the surface. It is enchanted to be able to heal its wearer for a total of 75 Hit Points. Every time 25 points are used, the armor’s magical bonus is reduced by 1 point (example: once 50 points have been used, it has 25 left and is a +1 item). The armor can be bled on by the user, restoring the points within it, but the user must bleed 2 points for every 1 that is restored. Once all 75 points are used, the armor is destroyed and falls apart with a sickening sploosh as it turns into old, sticky, congealed blood, Activating the healing ability is a free action.
Moderate Conjuration; Caster Level 7th; Cure Critical Wounds, Craft Arms and Armor; Price: 50,000gp; Weight: 15lbs

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