Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Lantern of Undead Warding

Lantern of Undead Warding
This rusty blue-gray oil lantern has a red glass shade protecting its flame. Two pints of oil power the lantern, and a cleric of a goodly-aligned deity must have blessed the oil.  When lit, the lantern sends out waves of energy that somewhat disrupts the functioning of undead. The oil can burn for up to 72 hours before it must be replaced.
When lit, all undead (corporeal and non-corporeal) within 30’ of the lantern suffer a –3 on their AC, and clerics gain +3 on all attempts to turn them. The flame can be extinguished like any normal lantern, but the lantern can not be spilled.
Moderate Abjuration; Caster Level 8th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price: 30,000gp; Weight: 3lbs

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