Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Nipping Purse

Nipping Purse
This small worn leather purse has a tarnished clasp and looks like it can hold about 20 coins. The purse can actually hold up to 500 coins and will never weigh more than ¼ lb. It has a further enchantment upon it that benefits it’s owner against pickpockets: If the purse is taken away from it’s owner without consent, the purse will open, revealing a full mouth of teeth. It will begin screaming “Thief!” in the language of it’s owner over and over again until it is returned. In addition, the teeth will attempt to bite once a round whomever is holding the purse (Ref 15) for 1d4 points of damage. If attacked, it has a Hardness of 2 and 5 HP.

Minor Illusion; Caster Level 4th; Magic Mouth; Cost: 2500gp; Wt .25 lb

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