Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Burrowing Arrow

Burrowing Arrow
These arrows appear as any others except that upon closer inspection, one may notice that the arrowhead appears to be shaped in the form of a biting insect of some kind. When these arrows strike their target, they penetrate deeper than most arrows, inflicting an extra point of damage to the victim. However, once it tastes blood, the arrow seems to go into a frenzy shaking violently and trying to burrow into the victims flesh like some rabid animal. The victim must make a Reflex save DC 15 to pull the arrow from the wound. A successful Reflex save causes the arrow to do an additional 1d4 points of damage from being forcibly removed from the wound. A failed saving throw means that the arrow has entered the wound, and started to inflict extra damage upon the internal organs as it snakes through the inside of the victims body. It continues to do this for two more rounds, unless a Fortitude save DC 15 is made, in which case the arrow is ejected from the wound without any further damage. If the save is failed, it will inflict an additional 1d8 hit points of damage per round, for the next two rounds, before losing its magic and being ejected from the wound.
Moderate enchantment; Caster Level: 10th; Craft Arms and Armor, mordekainens sword; Price: 1,000gp; Weight: 20 equals 3 lbs
(Originally from the book Forged in Magic by Paradigm Concepts)

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