Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Item Familiar: Black Pete's Scimitar

Item Familiar: Black Pete's Scimitar
This ornate and deadly looking scimitar originated as a normal weapon in the hands of an evil pirate marauder known as Black Pete. Known for his vile cruelty and never taking prisoners, Black Pete was feared by all who knew him, his crew included. He worshiped several death gods and goddesses, and upon his death his soul was placed into his scimitar by one of those dread gods.
Without the Item Familiar feat, Black Pete’s Scimitar will always act as a +1 Scimitar with no special properties. For those with the feat, however, its real powers become known as the owner increases in level.
Level 1: +1 Scimitar
Level 4: +1 Flaming Scimitar
Level 7: +2 Flaming Scimitar
Level 10: +2 Flaming Ghost Touch Scimitar
Level 13: Becomes intelligent (Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 13, Ego 8, Speaks Common, +10 Ranks to Intimidate, Detect Alignment at will, Alignment Chaotic Evil)
Level 16: +3 Flaming Ghost Touch Scimitar
Level 19: +4 Flaming Ghost Touch Scimitar
If the user of the weapon is of a different alignment of the scimitar when it “awakens,” it will constantly force the owner to go into combat with anyone that is Lawful Good in alignment. If the user wishes to avoid this combat, he must make a Will saving throw, DC8. Unlike most weapons, Black Pete’s Scimitar does not confer a negative level upon a user for differing alignment (all the better to draw him in).
At 13th level, when Black Pete’s Scimitar awakens, it takes on the personality of a mean and angry pirate, constantly goading its owner into combat and insulting him in coarse language at every opportunity. When the sword speaks, the wielder gains a vision in his head of a bloody, flayed skeleton in black clothing and hat.

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