Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Healer's Gauntlets

Healer's Gauntlets
Healing items have been created in innumerable different designs and forms, but few as unusual as that of a pair of gauntlets. Paladins and combat clerics favor these, since it allows them to heal themselves and their allies in the midst of a battle without going to the bother of sheathing or dropping one’s weapon in order to draw a healing staff.
Often adorned with the holy symbol of deity of healing or war, the Healer’s Gauntlets act as wands or staves of various healing spells. Both gauntlets must be worn in order for them to function. The spells contained in the gauntlets can vary from pair to pair, but two versions of these gauntlets are the most common.
Healer’s Gauntlets, Minor
Each gauntlet stores fifty charges of a spell, and once exhausted they become non-magical.
Left gauntlet: Cure Light Wounds, 50 charges
Right gauntlet: Cure Serious Wounds, 50 charges
Healer’s Gauntlets, Major
Unlike the minor gauntlet, this version has a total of 50 charges shared between the two gauntlets, as per a staff. Once exhausted they become non-magical.
Left gauntlet: Lesser Restoration (uses 1 charge)
Right gauntlet: Heal (uses 2 charges)
Faint conjuration (minor), moderate conjuration (major); CL 5th (minor), 11th (major); Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, cure serious wounds (minor); Craft Magic Arms and Armor, lesser restoration, heal (major). Price: 12,750gp (minor), 28,125gp (major); Weight: 4 lb.

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