Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Shortbow of Missiles

Shortbow of Missiles
This magical shortbow appears to be a perfectly normal recurve shortbow. Closer inspection reveals magical runes that look as if they are a part of the woodgrain. The bowstring feels almost as if it’s made of water vapor, and never breaks. When the user pulls back on the bowstring, a glowing blue shaft of force forms where an arrow would normally be.
The bow has a range of up to 300’, and the arrows always hit with each arrow doing 1d4+1 damage. Up to 4 may be fired in a single round. For every round (up to 4 rounds) that the user holds a single arrow in place and aims, that arrow gains an additional d4 of damage (i.e. an arrow held for 4 rounds will do 5d4+1 damage).
Moderate enchantment; Caster Level: 7th; Craft Arms and Armor, Magic Missile; Price: 12,000gp; Weight: 2lbs

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