Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Ring of the Butterfly

Ring of the Butterfly
An onyx and platinum butterfly adorns this small and somewhat fragile looking ring. Closer inspection reveals golden flecks embedded in the wings. When the command word is spoken, the butterfly animates and flies off the ring. Animating the butterfly is a standard action. On the next round, the butterfly can fly up to 15’ and deliver a touch spell of the wearer’s choice, as if the wearer had cast the spell and touched the subject herself. It returns to the wearer in the next round.
The butterfly can be targeted in combat. It has 1 hit point, a hardness of 1, a defense of 15 and a break DC of 10. If the butterfly is destroyed the ring becomes useless.
Faint enchantment; Caster Level 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; Price: 10,000gp; Weight: -

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