Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Chest of Obfuscation

Chest of Obfuscation
This is a large oak and elm chest, bound in iron. It is 30″ high, 60″ wide and 20″ deep, holding a volume of just under 21 cubic feet. When a command word is spoken by the owner, the chest disappears and transports to a pocket ethereal plane. When the command is given again, no matter where the owner is, the chest reappears within 2′ of him. This is an exceedingly useful magic item for adventurers, since it can hold gear or treasures. They are incredibly rare, however, and there are only five known to exist (while rare, they aren’t powerful enough to be considered artifacts or relics). If someone is closed within the chest when it goes to the pocket ethereal, there is only enough air within the chest to last a normal human male for 70 minutes or so. The command word, when spoken backward, locks the chest  that can only be opened with the word again, a knock spell or dispel magic cast at Lv 10+.

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