Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Robe of Random Items

Robe of Random Items
A Robe of Random Items has 20 pockets, and random items can be pulled forth. 20% of the time the item is useful to the wearer in his current situation. The DM is encouraged to come up with a system for determining the item called forth, which is treated as a normal, mundane object of it’s type. Randomly flipping through a dictionary and pointing at an entry works wonderfully; simply pick the first thing that comes to mind for the entry. Examples - Chicken: an egg. Gobi Desert: sand. Oak tree: an acorn. Items may be pulled out as desired, but each pocket will remain empty until the next full moon at which time the pocket will refill. Objects will never be larger than a human fist and are never magical or alive.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

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